Neues von der ICA Wayne Stobbs

Smalltalk, Klönschnak und Gelaber ;-)

Moderatoren: GER O, Admin1

Neues von der ICA Wayne Stobbs

Beitrag: #1Beitragvon A-55 » 23.02.2021, 19:31

Hi there RG65 World, an update for you.
You will remember that we are gathering some comments on a draft Constitution for the ICA. So far we have had a lot of constructive input on our draft but there are some Nations that are still reviewing the documents, and so I have decided to give a bit more time for this phase. By the end of the coming weekend we should be ready to consolidate all of the comments and suggestions into a final draft which we will release to you all for a final review.
I hope that this final review can be completed by the end of March, allowing us to adopt the Constitution sometime in April.
In the meantime, there are a few things that I would like you to consider.
Firstly, once the Constitution is adopted, we need a Committee of 4 or 5 people to take over the running of the ICA, and the people who are on this committee should come from within the RG65 community. So please consider if you would like to put your name forward, of if you would like to propose anyone else.
Secondly, we are working hard to establish contact with as many nations as we can. We have recently managed to welcome a few new Nations to the RG65 ICA, but we are sure that there a many more where RG65's are sailed and are not yet in contact with us.
So if you are reading this and you are not from Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, UK and the USA, PLEASE GET IN CONTACT WITH ME. We want the RG65 ICA to represent all Nations where RG65 exist. Please spread the word.
Please watch this space for further updates and I hope that you can all get sailing again soon. Here in the UK it looks like we may be able to get back onto the water in a few months…..
Bekennender RG65 Segler
Nur tote Fische schwimmen mit dem Strom!
Mein Revier: Langer See Böblingen
RG65 GER 700 Tango, Nukite, Orion "Malizia" .
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Titel: A-55
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