Beitrag: #5
von GER O » 01.02.2012, 13:24
Hi Martin,
bei der neuesten Version, DS geht dein Tipp leider nicht mehr (trotzdem Danke). Die Werkzeugleite ist kein Menüpunkt mehr. Das Problem scheint aber bekannt zu sein, im Delftship Forum fand ich folgenden Thread zum gleichen Problem. Eingestellt vor 6 Tagen. Ich habe nach, view und toolbars gesucht.
Es hat sofort geklappt.
Hi all,
I close by mistake one of the toolbars (i don't know its name but it contains icons of grid net, both side, ect...). How can I restore it??? I use delftship pro 4.48.171. I read in the forum that following: view->toolbars I should be able to show up again the missing toolbar....but I dont have such as option in it!!!! Can anyone help me? thanks...
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Try the following:
1. Start delftship
2. Choose "Open backup location" from the file menu
3. A windows explorer window will be opened by delftship. Now close delftship
4. In the folder you will se a list with various Delftship files. These are backups of the last projects you have been working on. There will also be a file named "delftship.bdt" This file contains your preferences, including the toolbar positions. Delete (or rename if you want to play it safe) this file
5. Finally restart delftship, your toolbars should now be restored.
This is a temp. fix. Delftship v5 no longer has the toolbars.